Friday, March 6, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Help - Still Trying to Get Lucid (again)

I learned about lucid dreaming in September and have had one LD officially. I became aware and did a couple of things and then woke up) and possibly a second (I don't know if this counts) when I was dreaming about a snake and thought to myself, "It's only a dream" and my eyes popped open, awake. I want more!! I've flown a couple of times but I'm not sure I was lucid. Since then, I have read a couple of books, have logged 150+ dreams, do RC every hour, have tried WIL and MILD many times and listen to podcasts (repeatedly) when I'm in the car. Of course, I've spent some time reading information on DV but I'm fairly frustrated. I've slept a lot and meditated a lot which aren't bad things but good gracious; what does it take? I'm thinking next technique is looking at my hands before going to sleep and trying SL's "tonight in my dreams when I see my hands, I'll know I'm dreaming". I also know the belief and confidence that I will have one needs to be in place. Since I've had one, I know I I can have another! Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your support.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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