Monday, March 23, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Targeting REM Cycles

I understand the idea behind targeting REM cycles for WILD attempts. However I've never been clear on the following points:

1) Let say you start a WILD or other technique attempt and a REM cycle isn't set to begin soon... What actually happens? If the idea is to trick your body to fall asleep... wouldn't it just fall asleep and you mind stay awake but no dream forms? Does your body only fall asleep if a REM cycle is beginning? People say target a REM period otherwise you just fall asleep entirely, but if you are keeping your mind conscious I would think either your body falls asleep and no dream forms or you lie their indefinitely.

2) What determines when the REM period begins. If you are going to say it's based solely on how long you have been asleep this doesn't make sense for the following reason. People say to wake up "before" a REM cycle begins and then wait for it to start. Well while you are waiting you haven't slept any longer so how are you "waiting" for the REM period to begin if it's based on how long you have been sleeping. I would think you would have to sleep longer if the REM period isn't set to begin yet. Either that or by lying in lowered brainwave state somehow substitutes for full sleep. Otherwise it must be some combination of factors that onset the REM period. I am sure the change in brain chemistry the longer you stay awake also is a factor.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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